Why did Mohammadi Islam come?

Answer: When the condition of the whole world, including Arabs and non-Arabs, Asia, Europe, and Africa, was extremely worst, when human-to-human violence, oppression, injustice, etc., were very common throughout the world, In the age when the best creation of Allah was immersed in disbelief and shirk (considering someone equal to Allah) by forgetting Allah, the victory of the accursed devil was going on all over the world, at such a turning point, 570 years after Isa (A.S.) ascended, the great prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came to this earth. After receiving the responsibility of prophethood at the age of 40, he began to spread the message of Islam among the people under the command of Allah. He meditated in “Hira Cave” for 15 years before attaining prophethood. “Mohammadi Islam” is the religion which was originated to ensure the peace of human beings in this time and hereafter.

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