Why it is important to practice Mohammadi Islam?

Answer: It is difficult to explain the importance and benefits of practicing Mohammadi Islam in a few words. Still trying to mention some key things-

The best creation of the Creator moves away from the path of Allah and the Prophet (SAWS) because of the environment and surroundings, by Satan’s deception. That is why the need for self-purification arises. Almighty Allah says, “Surely he who attains self-purification will be successful.” (Surah al-A’la; verse no: 14).

People are only looking for peace. But today, the people of the society are surrounded by the fence of turmoil. The main reason for this is to deviate from Allah, to deviate from the path shown by the Prophet (PBUH), and to deviate from the rules given by Allah. By practicing the religion of the Prophet, it is possible to get immense peace of soul. If you follow the ideals shown by Muhammad (PBUH) and build yourself according to his ideals, eternal peace will come in human life, and salvation in the Hereafter will be assured.

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