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Are we really accustomed to or aquatinted with the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? What is meant by the phrase “true teachings of Prophet Muhammadi Islam (SAW)”? Imam Prof. Dr. Qudrat e Khoda is here with that true teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), full of divine love.

Muhammadi Islam:

Muhammadi Islam is not a mere name of a religion, it’s a constitution; constitution for life, peace and salvation to the eternity. The guidance that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) gave human beings to reduce the worldly  sufferings, to ensure heavenly peace and to find the presence of the creator within oneself is Muhammadi Islam.
Surprisingly the divine truth is that each and every messenger of the Almighty is enlightened and characterized with this Muhammadi guidance. And hence, Muhammadi guidance has been explored in various parts of the world, regardless of race, nation, language and culture in every era through all the divine messengers.

Belief’s of Muhammadi Islam:

Oneness! Oneness of the Almighty Allah. Integration of the Creator and His creation. Muhammadi Islam believes in and honours all the divine messengers and scriptures. Muhammadi belief’s stand for the unification of mankind as one human family regardless of nation, race or colour. It strives for overall peace, equity, love and harmony in human society.

Practices of Muhammadi Islam:

All the practices of Muhammadi Islam are based on a divine feeling and devotion through the oneness of Almighty that leads to a devotee getting closer and closer towards the most affectionate creator. Intensive meditation, paying utmost attention towards Allah in salah (prayer), remembrance and feeling the presence of the creator within oneself at all times and obedience towards the Almighty are the core practices of Muhammadi Islam.

The most fundamental external practices of Muhammadi Islam are, learning to differentiate between good and bad, evil and divine, to refrain from lies, misdeeds, deception, oppression and slander to others. One of the most remarkable and peaceful practices of Muhammadi Islam is to keep the others safe from one’s tongue (speech) and hand.

Philosophy of Muhammadi Islam:

In the history of the human civilisation, the greatest and the most ancient science is to search for the creator.The philosophy of Muhammadi Islam most successfully deals with this science.
Muhammadi Islam instructs a person to surrender before the Almighty Allah and to obey Him. In order to surrender or to obey, it is simply required to find the Almighty first. Now the Question arises – Where is Allah? The Philosophy of Muhammadi Islam says – Allah is within the human and thus the mankind has to search and find Allah within himself. In order to be successful in this quest for Allah, we need to rectify our character first which results in ultimate purification of our soul. To execute this total procedure, a man needs to establish the teachings of Shariah, Tariqah, Haqiqah, and Marifah in himself. To uphold these holy teachings, Sufi Emperor Hazrat Syed Mahbub E Khoda (Rh.), the great reformer and reviver of Muhammadi Islam taught us to purify our soul, to engage in the remembrance of Allah at all times, to offer prayer in a meditative way and to be an Ashek E Rasul (SAW). In order to please Allah and have His closeness, we’ve to be purified by freeing ourselves from the instigation of six evil instincts.

All these are the basic philosophies of Muhammadi Islam which are closely interrelated to one another.

Muhammadi Ideology:

Muhammadi ideology is to be steadfast with the Truth, not to compromise with falsehood and hypocrisy, not to deceive others for any material interest, but rather to sacrifice oneself for the welfare of humanity. 

Not to commit any sinful act using tongue, hand, leg, ear, eye, or any part of our body. To work for the betterment and prosperity of all the creations of Allah by rectifying our mindset. Love and forgiveness lie at the heart of Muhammadi ideology.

Activities of Muhammadi Islam:

The activities of Muhammadi Islam ensure ultimate peace in the society which refers to self-dedication for the betterment of the creations.

All the Prophets and Sufies taught their followers this same Muhammadi activities of peace. Following this chronological continuity, at this very present age, Imam Professor Dr. Qudrat e Khoda (Mza) is the designated guide and executor of Muhammadi activities for peace and salvation, with the same spiritual light and authority, around the globe.

His ancestor Hazrat Sayed Mahbub E Khoda Dewanbagi (Rh.) was a revolutionary Sufi saint who is mostly known as the Reviver of Muhammadi Islam” like the former four revivers. 

He founded more than two hundred Khanqah Sharifs (training centers) for the effective execution of the activities of Muhammadi Islam in Bangladesh and in some foreign countries. At present, Imam Dr. Qudrat E Khoda (Mza), the leading Imam of Muhammadi Islam, is immensely expanding the activities of Muhammadi Islam around the globe and today’s “Global Ashek R Rasul (SAW) Conference” is a part of all these activities.

Apart from the Sufi meditation and all other traditional Islamic practices related to Shariah, Tariqah, Haqiqah and Ma’rifah, Imam Dr. Qudrat E Khoda (Mza.) has started a training program for the spiritual development of the disciples of Muhammadi Islam at all the Khankahs and Jaker Majlish (training centers) in Bangladesh and worldwide in more than 132 countries. Firstly, Imam Professor Dr. Qudrat E Khoda (Mza) teaches his disciples the ways to rectify their evil characteristics and to achieve the Muhammadi character of divine peace in themselves. He is sharply guiding how to please the Almighty Creator and the Prophet Mohammad (SAW). Honesty, sacrifice, charity, helping the poor, extending the hand of help to the distressed and in disaster, standing by the deprived, nurturing, and saving nature are the most priority preachings of Imam Professor Qudrat E Khoda (Mza) with the Muhammadi means.
